Who: ACDI/VOCA through the Mindanao Productivity in Agriculture Commerce & Trade (MinPACT) Project, a United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) funded project.
What: Is seeking grant applications from interested Mindanao coffee, cacao, and coconut organizations and enterprises to improve and strengthen their post-harvest handling and processing equipment and systems.
When: The Request for Application (RFA) package is available from October 19th – 31st. The RFA explains grant application eligibility and requirements. Based on the RFA all applications will be required to be submitted by November 30th, 2016.
How: To request the RFA package please contact ACDI/VOCA via email at:
Why: The MinPACT project is awarding grants to improve effectiveness and efficiency of coffee, cacao, and coconut post-harvest and processing equipment and systems to help ensure Mindanao organizations and enterprises are achieving the highest quality product.