One of the reasons that local chocolate makers import cocoa from other countries is because there tends to be inconsistency in terms of the quality in local beans. However, with clustering, convergence and inclusive initiatives that are grounded upon the Value Chain Approach, development interventions should be designed and implemented with quality, sustainability and profitability of the Philippine Cacao Industry in mind.
The players in the value chain include input suppliers, nursery operators, cacao growers, fermenters, traders, processors, consolidators and exporters. The links and interdependence between these players determine the strategies to meet the needs of export markets, institutional markets and wholesale and retail markets.
The 2013-2020 Philippine Cacao Industry Plan and the Southern Mindanao Regional Cacao Industry Roadmap are two value-based frameworks for the implementation of cacao development interventions.
In July of 2015, the National Cacao Industry Cluster Technical Working Group (TWG) was created to be the national steering structure for collaborative interventions between government and the private sector. Composed of private and public representatives, TWG shall structure the industry towards a more integrated and coordinated body supported by policy to contribute to industry development.
Geographical clustering not only secures the flow of supplies, but also highlights investment targets and employment opportunities. Inclusive growth creates more jobs in the rural areas and contributes towards a socially, economically and environmentally sound cacao industry.
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