Poker Basics – The Stop & & Go

Poker Basics - The Stop & & Go

A traditional method that can still work today, specifically when you are getting brief

in a competition

Poker Basics - The Stop & Go


Your aggressive challenger opens from the Button, the Small Blind folds and you choose to call and push any flop(or any flop that looks not likely to have actually struck your challenger ). The Stop & Go just actually works in heads-up pots, it is too dangerous to do it versus several challengers. It is likewise an excellent technique versus aggressive gamers, specifically ones you think may call a reraise preflop however fold when they miss out on preflop. The Stop & Go is an especially helpful survival technique when you are brief in a competition however it is likewise an extremely exploitable technique. You require a great read that your challenger would have called you preflop 3-bet and is likewise most likely to fold to your post flop push.